Rare Color Photographs from Farm Security Administration (FSA)

Photo by Jack Delano. Sharecroppers chop cotton on rented land near White Plains, Greene County, Georgia, 1941

I was surprised to see these 14 rare color photographs from the FSA published by PDN recently since most of the photographs I have seen in photography books and even in online archives are in black and white. It was interesting to note that these photographs were shot during the American great depression era, sometime between 1930s-40s.

It seem to me that some of these photographs have a contemporary feel in them and it seem hard to make a connection that these photographs were from a bygone era except for some visible signs (i.e. clothing/ hair style, etc). Some even argue that these photos were Photoshopped! You be the judge. Head on to PDN and don't forget to scroll down on the comments section for an interesting historical discourse.

Related links:
Farm Security Administration
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection


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