Dayfour is a magazine of personal work, mainly by photographers. Like any magazine, it has a variety of contributors, runs collections of (visual) articles, and is printed and published periodically. Some people call it a book, because, well, it looks like a book. In fact it is produced more like an album: issues are put out once a year, each one built around a theme. Dayfour magazine is printed digitally in a very small, numbered, limited edition (we don't have much money). It is produced annually so we can put lots of thought into each issue (and carry on with the day job). The worldwide publishing industry does a great deal of damage to the environment, and so dayfour makes a virtue of being small and an effort to be beautiful.
This is Fiona, who runs DayFour. Thanks so much for giving us a mention on your great blog! Thought your European readers might be interested to know that there will be an exhibition of works from the current issue at theprintspace, 74 Kingsland Road, London E2 December 7th-30th.
Best wishes from the UK